Beginning of the final Months

So it has been an awesome ride here in Germany, but the other day I was faced with a sad thought at the small business meeting, by one of the shop owners  “what are we going to do when you are gone?” Really brought about my planning as I truly have a little over 3 months left in this beautiful country which is only 6 to 7 more Small Business coaching sessions, if everything goes perfectly according to plan. The next few blog posts will be about this, and hopefully finally the sustainability project. Germans are very concerned about privacy and paperwork, to the point it drives me insane, but it is part of their meticulous culture, and I do respect that. Hope all is going well, with everyone.


So, I’ve been decent about the blog but I cannot stand the hate in the world. It has effects on all of us living abroad, blog posts, texts, and calls to loved ones are effected. I’m studying sustainability and business, two things which help the world go round. Tired of being couped up in my dorm afraid of being attacked (after a warning from the police) Please help one another, and help solve issues in the world. All I have for today.

Travel, Travel, and more travel

So, one of the things I miss most about the states is my personal vehicle. Though I have been able to drive cars here, more often than not, I am using the bus and rail system. One of the most beneficial perks of being a student is that my student ID provides very discounted or free travel within the local area. 

After a great class last week (have another coming up on Monday), I decided to tour many of the local Jewelry shops and schools. Pforzheim is celebrating its 250th anniversary this year, and it is heavily dependent on both its watch making school and its gold smithing school to provide the next generation of workers. Which is one key difference between the United States and Many of the countries I have been focusing on (India, Cambodia, and Mexico). Here in Germany it is very acceptable to go into one of the many trade schools, instead of pursuing a college degree. This both allows for a society of inclusiveness and less demeaning statements. Many of the people in the trades have come to Germany specifically for this specialization. I will be covering this topic with a few interviews from the business owners, whom have immigrated here, and are utilizing the Small Business Classes and accounting class we are offering as a club. Hope all is well, please remember to be kind and serve one another.

Great and Magnificent Adventures

So, this week was definitely interesting, with one of my very arduous service projects coming to fruition finally and second by attempting to make homemade pickles. I will tell the pickle story first, as it will be know. So, we were having a little get together, where each person was bringing something from their homeland. Well, I was doing the main course of hamburgers on the grill (which is a rarity here). Well two days before I decided to make what we call fridge pickles (vinegar, cucumbers, onions, and dill seasoning). Well, went to the store, asked for vinegar, well, here in Germany you must specify white vinegar or essence of vinegar. Well, he grabbed me a bottle (here, there are specific people in each department to help you out), well I was only speaking German to him, and he grabbed the essence of vinegar. So off I went not knowing my mistake. Get home, make the pickles (for optimal taste you let them sit for two days, and try a few after the first day to make sure it is right). Well, it is a good thing I tried it, because I took one pickle out, and it felt like my mouth went in. Taking out the bottle of Vinegar, I found my mistake, should have mixed in 75% water with this essence. Well, my German is coming along great, but that was definitely a damage to my pride.

Second, one of the project that I have been working on with local businesses and the local business school was to make a decision modeling course for the general public. So that many of the small businesses could utilize the decision modeling to help achieve profitability. It has been an issue here in Pforzheim with both the immigrant and local populace. By offering both the Small business association and these classes, it has been incredibly helpful. The link to the first class is here. Class Video.

As always, thank you for the support, and remember to get out and help your neighbors and community. We all have something that we can contribute to the World for its betterment.

New Adventures in Taste

So, a big aspect of living in a new culture is the food. One, I am definitely a lover of all food, and will try anything once. One of my favorite recipes is Schupf noodles. They are a basic potato noodles, which can be paired with any type of food.  Most often I pair it with sauerkraut and bacon, and leave some to eat for dessert, with applesauce or vanilla sauce. I have attached the recipe here. I have left a picture of my first homemade attempt, which did turn out fairly well. Talk to you all soon.noodles.JPG